Sage path – via Salvia

Kružna staza koja nudi vožnju po hrptu istočnog dijela otoka Krka s panoramskim pogledom na Crikveničku rivijeru i Gorskoga kotare, može biti itekako atraktivna. Nigdje kao na toj stazi krš nije suroviji, a miris mora I soli pomiješan sa eteričnim mirisom ljekovitog bilja izraženiji.  Ako se tome pridoda 140 godina star svjetionik Vošćica, spilja Biserujka […]

Via Orchidaceae

This attractive route through the hinterland of Omišalj, whose historic town center rises on an 85-meter high cliff and offers an unusual experience of exceptional cultural and historical heritage. By driving this easy route, with moderately demanding terrain and almost imperceptible short climbs, you will be able to combine viewing the remains of medieval churches with the largest natural freshwater habitat on the island of Krk.


This circular route through the northernmost part of the island of Krk will be enjoyed by every MTB cyclist looking for a more technically demanding trail. The route offers a combination of dynamic terrain configuration, various types of surface, passing by attractive historical and natural attractions such as the archaeological site of Fulfinum Mirina, the Biserujka cave and the immortelle plantation.


U ovoj kružnoj ruti najsjevernijim dijelom otoka Krka uživat će svaki MTB biciklist s osnovnom kondicijskom pripremom u potrazi za tehnički umjerenom stazom. Kombinacija dinamične konfiguracije terena, razne vrste podloga te vožnja uz more nikoga neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Ako tome dodamo obilazak spilje Biserujka te posjet arheološkom lokalitetu Mirine, užitak je zajamčen.