Contact information of Tourist Office of Omišalj Municipality

In the office of Tourist Office of Omišalj Municipality you can find information:

  •  about tourist and hospitality offer, and activities in the area of destination.
  • about cultural, entertainment, sports and other events and manifestations on the island of Krk.
  •  about other information related to tourist offer (brochures, city maps, flyers).
  •  about registration, departure, and payment of the sojourn tax.
  •  about the obligations of private renters


TZO Omišalj                       TIC Omišalj                        OIB: 49265978185

(+385) 51 846 243                    (+385) 51 841 042         

Placa 9                    Prikešte 11                     

51512 Njivice                            51511 Omišalj




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