Antički dani 2024

Jedan od najatraktivnijih krčkih lokaliteta, arheološki park Fulfinum – Mirine u Omišlju, ove je godine ponovno zablistao u ruhu starih Rimljana. Želja da se kulturna baština popularizira iznjedrila je “Antičke dane” – manifestaciju prepunu atraktivnih sadržaja u organizaciji Turističke zajednice Općine Omišalj. Dašak staroga Rima 5. i 6. srpnja uz bogat program koji je obuhvaćao brojne segmente života u doba antike, a scenografski oplemenjen prostor bila je izvrsna kulisa za ovaj ljetni vremeplov!

For part of the audience, it is possible to make ancient hairstyles, there are also indispensable ancient trades: blacksmith, potter, tailor, potter, herbalist... a wooden carousel with baskets has been set up for children, and all those interested can try their hand at archery. In addition to the rich gastronomic offer of the Rivica restaurant on the theme of antiquity, visitors enjoy the beautiful ambiance with the light of torches, appropriately decorated space, authentic music, gladiator fights, jugglers, and many costumed Romans.

With its rich program, the Days of Antiquity have become one of the unavoidable manifestations of the cultural summer in Omišlja, and every year they attract an increasing number of tourists.